Individual Registration

Personal Information Fields marked as * are mandatory.
Password must meet the following requiremnets:
  • At least 1 letter
  • At least 1 uppercase
  • At least 1 lowercase
  • At least 1 number
  • Be at least 1 special characters
  • Be at least 8 characters
  • Confirm Password must be the same

Would you like to apply for Government Funding/Grant?

If you select “Yes” to apply for Government funding/Grant, please fill in the following mandatory fields indicating with a red star *.
You can also select “No” and fill in the information after account creation (under the PROFILE tab).
Please note that only selected courses are approved for government funding. If you require further clarification, please call us for assistance.
If you are Singapore Citizen, Singapore PR or LTVP+, please select from the dropdown list correctly as it affects the funding. Otherwise please select your Nationality.

I confirm that all information provided in this application is true and correct.
I confirm to NetAssist's collection, use and/or disclosure of relevant personal data contained in this form for the purpose(s) of course administration of training grant and/or subsidies.

*Please click I'm not a robot